Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wrap-up of Sophmore year :)

Wow, so this is it. This is the end of my first year of highschool. Wow.

This year has been so amazing. My friends and peers have been awesome, the teachers have been pretty great, and this year has just been, well, amazing.

The first day of school was a little intimidating. I kept thinking "Omg highschool! New stuff!" But now, I am thinking more on the lines of "Omg it's over! This year has gone by too fast!"

I am really going to miss everything. We had such a great group this year! Everything has just been so much fun and I would not trade any of the experiences I have had for the world. Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a little with the whole "for the world" part.....

Anyways, really, in a wrap, this year has just been.....AMAZING! I look forward to another great year next year as a junior.
